
Showing posts from May, 2021

The END of the GFC?

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it The clamouring for renaming the luncheon group reached a deafening roar of which we are often subjected: "change the name of Australia, change the name of the Catholic Church. Change the name of mankind. Remove Scotland from the United Kingdom....". But without a fully engaged plebiscite, (the GFC Luncheon is known throughout the length of Hobart, Salamanca, Macquarie St, and the yacht clubs and restaurants of the city) - such change will have to await removal of Boris Johnson's veto. or President Biden - whomever has the authority. Bear in mind we are simply an anarchic syndication - no more no less. However, I invite contributions by way of suggested 'new name' for this child of 2008 - feel free to reply by 'comment' below. The Ball and Chain - 7th May 2021 -  We welcomed back Bob Glade-Wright - commonly known as 'Bags' - who with wife Annie has relocated after a stint in Melbourne and a decade or