
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Astor Grill Welcomes the GFC

Conversation with the dog at noon on 29th October 2021:  Me: "I'm just heading out to the GFC lunch at the private dining room at the Astor Grill. I'll be home by 3.30pm Dog: "Bullshit. You'll be lucky to get home by 6pm. Merv will be there and he has no 'OFF' button" And so it proved to be. The part-time members of the Wuhan Waistcoat Society (that is, anyone with a waistcoat, fob watch and associated accoutrement) - images here of the author, Merv Simmons and Max Reed - joined to combine to a total of 19 members of the GFC at Rocky Donaz's Astor Grill. The rain poured down in what we remember as the wettest October in memory. Some said they don't remember it ever being that wet, yet were unable to say that was because they simply didn't remember or that it had not been that wet. Round and round went the discussion, as it can sometimes do with gentlemen.  The window panes frosted over, snow was swirling around Mount Wellington. Peter Lark