
Showing posts from November, 2023

GFC at the Astor - November 2023 - King Charles and the Window Tax

 'Twas 45 days prior to Christmas, and just a fortnight after Halloween. What would the GFC Members do with their time between buying up at the supermarket to entertain their family and enrich the cultural imperialists? "I know" said Chris Cunningham - "have a GFC lunch at the Astor and explore the fragile existence we all have between birth in pain, and death in pain". And so it was to be. The painful subjects were raised and dealt with, and general agreement forged (in the sense of being acknowledged and shaped, not in the sense of telling pork pies). Waiter Bradley on behalf of maitre d'hotel Rocky Donaz assisted our GFC Survivors (you are nothing in Australia unless you can be described as having survived something, even if it is only death from which you have survived). Wonderful fare, fresh mushrooms recently imported from eastern Victoria - exporter image:  A few brave souls missed the lunch, due to engagements at their health clinics (some would appe