
Showing posts from August, 2024

GCF at the Astor MkII - August 2024

 It was 9 o'clock on a Saturday, and the usual crowd shuffled in .... [Billy Joel, Piano Man, 1979]. It is now the 15th year of the GFC Celebration (from commencement in 2008). You do the maths... Well, it wasn't at all. It was 12.30 on a Friday, and Richard von Witt, Marshall Kimber, Merv Simmons, Jim Paltos, Peter Larkey, Stephen Porter, Hugh Griffiths, Chris Cunningham, Roger Kimber, John Upcher, Rob Fay, Alan Haig, Hayden Peck, Tony J Kozlow, Dick Friend, Bill Jarvis and himself entered the private dining room at the illustrious Astor Grill, 157 Macquarie St, Hobart. It was the worst of weather and the best of internal clime at the Astor, yet Charles Dickens was not mentioned at all, although tales of many cities were given to regale the diners. Rocky Doniz (maitre-d'hotel) and Alan managed our crowd, and delivered the finest food available to human kind, and the best wine. The new decor in the dining room was very much appreciated: fresh and lively, comforting and clea