GCF at the Astor MkII - August 2024

 It was 9 o'clock on a Saturday, and the usual crowd shuffled in .... [Billy Joel, Piano Man, 1979]. It is now the 15th year of the GFC Celebration (from commencement in 2008). You do the maths...

Well, it wasn't at all. It was 12.30 on a Friday, and Richard von Witt, Marshall Kimber, Merv Simmons, Jim Paltos, Peter Larkey, Stephen Porter, Hugh Griffiths, Chris Cunningham, Roger Kimber, John Upcher, Rob Fay, Alan Haig, Hayden Peck, Tony J Kozlow, Dick Friend, Bill Jarvis and himself entered the private dining room at the illustrious Astor Grill, 157 Macquarie St, Hobart.

It was the worst of weather and the best of internal clime at the Astor, yet Charles Dickens was not mentioned at all, although tales of many cities were given to regale the diners.

Rocky Doniz (maitre-d'hotel) and Alan managed our crowd, and delivered the finest food available to human kind, and the best wine. The new decor in the dining room was very much appreciated: fresh and lively, comforting and clean.

From crayfish pate, truffle mushrooms and garlic cream, pork belly, pan seared white fish fillet, prime porterhouse and bearnaise, black rice risotto, to finish on the home straight with cheeses, fruit sorbet or almond creme caramel - you wouldn't be dead for a million quids. Or as Samuel the jewish fellow thoughtfully cogitated on the options: "A million quid, it's a lot of money....".

After the dancing girls left and discussion turned to recent events in each diner's life. We heard tales large and exaggerated, tall and true:

Dick Friend showed us how one may do the splits on the horizontal bar, and how it reminded him of native Australian fauna.

Merv took us to a bridge on a river Mostar in Bosnia. And then lead us back to 157 Macquarie St. He spoke of bullet holes in walls, and genocide.

Chris spoke of cold water plunging in Antarctica and how he was warned after the event that it might stop his heart 'prematurely'. Steel works in Port Kembla and sailing in Sardinia (with the boat on top of the water).

Richard referred us to Italian wine, but with his excellent diction and clarity of pronunciation, we were unable to jot down the name of his referral.  Update - The recommendation from  Alitalia Capitano was for Morrellino di Scansano (Chianti).Enjoy!

John was celebrating with his sister her gracious provision of a kidney which saved his life, although he had subsequently endangered it in a Russian cruise ship near the Antarctic, facing off an iceberg - too close for comfort. He is going to take his GPS next time and sit beside the captain.

Stephen reminded us of the beauty of the Australian outback or downside, and touring via the Indian Pacific and the south west region of Western Australia.

Bill Jarvis showed us how easy it is to knock $20k off the price of a 2nd hand bus, and then wonder what the hell to do with it. Anyone need a Hino 7m bus capable of carrying 15 to 20 people give Bill a call.

Fay noted that 70 is the new 50, and that notwithstanding some deaths in the family, and that his generation is next in line, LG (Life's Good) still applies, and there is plenty of time to enliven friendships. He also cremated his father's skeleton - as he cleared out unwanted chattels from home.

Larkey pondered the teacher /student crisis, noting that in French schools in the mid 1950s, it was common to avoid the problem with no more than 1 litre of white wine per student at recess time.

Kozlow spoke of Sicily, statues, Greek tragedies (not meaning Jim Paltos, but of the genuine literary style).

Hayden spoke well notwithstanding some residual effect from a bone out of an octopus pulling out a piece of his tongue at Luz Restaurant in Launcton. He would still recommend dining there... Elucidation of the actual chance event which gave rise to this near death event: a pacific octopus had done battle with a juvenile stingray, a barb from which had lodged in the tentacle. Hayden ate the tentacle (after preparation at the restaurant), and it then lodged in his tongue! Manipulation of the protruding barb ripped it out, along with a little bit of flesh. Maybe it was flushed down the toilet, went out to the sea, and was eaten by an octopus...

Hugh spoke glowingly of SES volunteers who sheltered his home after the slate roof was damaged in high winds. On entertainment, he suggested a re-visit to MONA, and the partial statue of Liberty exhibited there.

On that theme, Larkey said the Tas Museum and Art Gallery, at which he volunteers as a guide, has some excellent exhibitions, permanent and temporary - Land of Light.

Roger showed us a photo of 3 generations of his family from Port Kembla, unfortunately at a funeral, but celebrating life of 2 members who enjoyed themselves into mid 90s (age, not era).

Paltos reflected on the sad state of democracy in Hong Kong, and how he and Kimber and friends had enjoyed the Hong Kong rugby 7s only a few years ago, but which are probably out of sensible reach now. His photo and report of discussions with Nicole Kidman were clearly doctored and hypothetical meanderings of a disordered mind. But entertaining.

Alan Haig reminded the assembled that not all are free spirits and he remains a wage slave, or apron stringed to care for children and grandchildren. His daughter Francesca de Tores's new book, Salt Blood, is on his own and Upcher's recommendation, 'well worth a read'. Drop in to Fullers Bookshop and 'do yourself a favour'.

"Brilliantly written" says the reviewer.

Phil himself reflected on a recent journey to the bitumen oil sands mining enterprises in northern Alberta, Canada with Rosie, and finding entertainment in Fort McMurray with his uncle Paul Campbell: "Fort McMoney" is the new name of the city, built on the solid foundation of 159 billion barrels. Mind you, that doesn't say what we will be driving when the temperature is 50 degrees plus and water has enveloped the major cities of the world (as we know it..).

You can dig a bit of dirt up with this mother:

All the best for spring time, when the weather settles. 

GFC avoider. 


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